Grant County Genealogical Society
Membership is open to anyone interested in Grant County, Wisconsin genealogy.
Membership is open to anyone interested in Grant County, Wisconsin genealogy.
Member benefits include:
“Grant County Heritage” - a quarterly newsletter subscription
Free Queries - in the newsletter
Free Surname Search
Free use of the Society's Library
Right to Vote at Meetings - thus helping to make decisions affecting the Society
To become a member, send $15 check or money order to:
Grant County Genealogical Society
c/o Debbie Filut
307 High St
Mineral Point WI 53565-1218
The Grant County Genealogical Society is gradually enlarging its library, Subscriptions, exchange newsletters and books donated by members plus purchases by the Society comprise the collection which is located on the main floor of the Cunningham Museum, 129 Maple Street, Lancaster, WI. Open May to September 30, Tuesday - Friday, 11am to 4pm.. Inquiries may be directed to the Librarian, Karen Reese.

Surname Index
New members are asked to submit an ancestral chart to the surname index chairperson, who checks the current membership for referral of the same family name. Surname Chairperson is Lois Macke, 937 Ridge Ave., Lancaster WI 53813. 608-723-2420,
A Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) should accompany this information.

Cemetery Records
The Grant County Genealogical Society copied all the cemeteries in Grant County. Over 16,000 surnames have been catalogued from 155 or more cemeteries. Requests for a Surname search of these records can be directed to Carol Terfruchte, 3468 County Rd H, Cuba City, WI 53807 for a fee of $3.00 and a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE).